St Gabriel’s Church meets in St Gabriel’s Centre next door to the church as the church building is currently out of use and the Centre is dry and warm!

Sunday Worship

9.30am Peaceful Communion every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month only
Communion Service with sermon.
Spiritual and prayerful adult space.

10.30am All Age Worship Gathering for all ages every week
Child friendly and relaxed. Crafts, music, Bible story, prayers and activities.
Everyone is welcome, come along on your own or with family and friends.

The 10.30am service starts with a chance to meet others over refreshments or you can listen to quiet music in our worship space.

Wednesdays during Term Time

Morning Prayer 9.30am in the Centre

Evening Prayer on Zoom 8pm (please contact us to access)

Celtic style with bible study, prayer and chat.